Summer Breeze


This is an extra-large bouquet that is made with real touch roses, silk flowers and trimmed with rose gold and light bronze shimmery ribbons. There is a touch of summer golden colors in the peonies and the draping flowers in the front. Just a very light peak of peach can be seen in a few of the lower roses. The bottom of the bouquet has added miniature roses and white floral appliques. Approximately 14.5” Long and 11” Wide

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This is an extra-large bouquet that is made with real touch roses, silk flowers and trimmed with rose gold and light bronze shimmery ribbons. There is a touch of summer golden colors in the peonies and the draping flowers in the front. Just a very light peak of peach can be seen in a few of the lower roses. The bottom of the bouquet has added miniature roses and white floral appliques. Approximately 14.5” Long and 11” Wide

This is an extra-large bouquet that is made with real touch roses, silk flowers and trimmed with rose gold and light bronze shimmery ribbons. There is a touch of summer golden colors in the peonies and the draping flowers in the front. Just a very light peak of peach can be seen in a few of the lower roses. The bottom of the bouquet has added miniature roses and white floral appliques. Approximately 14.5” Long and 11” Wide

Queen of Romance
Garden of Love
Petals and Lace