Petals and Lace


This small bouquet is covered in the petals of silk flowers and roses. .A touch of pink, yellow, cream and beige gives this bouquet a soft appearance. With some lace added into the top of the bouquet, you can see how the handle is laced with a cream colored satin ribbon and embroidered stretch lace.

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This small bouquet is covered in the petals of silk flowers and roses. .A touch of pink, yellow, cream and beige gives this bouquet a soft appearance. With some lace added into the top of the bouquet, you can see how the handle is laced with a cream colored satin ribbon and embroidered stretch lace.

This small bouquet is covered in the petals of silk flowers and roses. .A touch of pink, yellow, cream and beige gives this bouquet a soft appearance. With some lace added into the top of the bouquet, you can see how the handle is laced with a cream colored satin ribbon and embroidered stretch lace.

Summer Breeze
Garden of Love