Queen Esther


This one-of-a-kind special bouquet is decorated with details on the top with front and back views. This was created and covered in light cream-colored real touch roses, a layer of stringed pearls, and a beautiful silver crown that sits on a layer of ringed pearls. The center of the bouquet has a large dahlia flower that displays the crown of Esther. You can see a cluster of tiny, belled flowers that are embraced by smaller roses, pearls, and also adorned with a wired string of pearls that dance across the back of the bouquet. The bottom is layered with off white satin ribbon, small roses, and hints of the tiny, belled flowers. The handle is covered in off white thick satin ribbon and in the center is a crocheted lace. This is truly a queen bouquet to be held! Approximately 16.5 inches in Length by 10 inches Wide.

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This one-of-a-kind special bouquet is decorated with details on the top with front and back views. This was created and covered in light cream-colored real touch roses, a layer of stringed pearls, and a beautiful silver crown that sits on a layer of ringed pearls. The center of the bouquet has a large dahlia flower that displays the crown of Esther. You can see a cluster of tiny, belled flowers that are embraced by smaller roses, pearls, and also adorned with a wired string of pearls that dance across the back of the bouquet. The bottom is layered with off white satin ribbon, small roses, and hints of the tiny, belled flowers. The handle is covered in off white thick satin ribbon and in the center is a crocheted lace. This is truly a queen bouquet to be held! Approximately 16.5 inches in Length by 10 inches Wide.

This one-of-a-kind special bouquet is decorated with details on the top with front and back views. This was created and covered in light cream-colored real touch roses, a layer of stringed pearls, and a beautiful silver crown that sits on a layer of ringed pearls. The center of the bouquet has a large dahlia flower that displays the crown of Esther. You can see a cluster of tiny, belled flowers that are embraced by smaller roses, pearls, and also adorned with a wired string of pearls that dance across the back of the bouquet. The bottom is layered with off white satin ribbon, small roses, and hints of the tiny, belled flowers. The handle is covered in off white thick satin ribbon and in the center is a crocheted lace. This is truly a queen bouquet to be held! Approximately 16.5 inches in Length by 10 inches Wide.

Garden of Love
Orchids of Grace
Queen of Romance