

An Extra-Large bouquet. This is one covered in real touch white- and cream-colored roses, small Lilly’s, and chiffon roses. On the center top is a silver/gray shimmer ribbon flower and a brooch to top it off. There are several sized silver brooches on the sides of the bouquet. The bottom has two layers of ruffled white satin ribbon, a beautiful round silver gray ring with stones, and small real touch cream-colored roses. The handle is covered in the same silver/gray ribbon layered with some lace. Approximate measurements: 12” Long by 11” Wide

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An Extra-Large bouquet. This is one covered in real touch white- and cream-colored roses, small Lilly’s, and chiffon roses. On the center top is a silver/gray shimmer ribbon flower and a brooch to top it off. There are several sized silver brooches on the sides of the bouquet. The bottom has two layers of ruffled white satin ribbon, a beautiful round silver gray ring with stones, and small real touch cream-colored roses. The handle is covered in the same silver/gray ribbon layered with some lace. Approximate measurements: 12” Long by 11” Wide

An Extra-Large bouquet. This is one covered in real touch white- and cream-colored roses, small Lilly’s, and chiffon roses. On the center top is a silver/gray shimmer ribbon flower and a brooch to top it off. There are several sized silver brooches on the sides of the bouquet. The bottom has two layers of ruffled white satin ribbon, a beautiful round silver gray ring with stones, and small real touch cream-colored roses. The handle is covered in the same silver/gray ribbon layered with some lace. Approximate measurements: 12” Long by 11” Wide

Petals and Lace
Queen Esther
Orchids of Grace
Passionate Pink