Queen of Romance


A very romantic bouquet. Exquisitely designed with red and white real touch roses, ivory white satin roses, pearls, and three elegant extended brooches. The bottom is fully layered in a sheer shimmery ribbon that is outlined in a solid white satin border. The handle is covered in a white satin ribbon and trimmed with a rhinestone band. Approximately 13 inches long and 8 inches wide

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A very romantic bouquet. Exquisitely designed with red and white real touch roses, ivory white satin roses, pearls, and three elegant extended brooches. The bottom is fully layered in a sheer shimmery ribbon that is outlined in a solid white satin border. The handle is covered in a white satin ribbon and trimmed with a rhinestone band. Approximately 13 inches long and 8 inches wide

A very romantic bouquet. Exquisitely designed with red and white real touch roses, ivory white satin roses, pearls, and three elegant extended brooches. The bottom is fully layered in a sheer shimmery ribbon that is outlined in a solid white satin border. The handle is covered in a white satin ribbon and trimmed with a rhinestone band. Approximately 13 inches long and 8 inches wide

Summer Breeze
Queen Isabella
Garden of Love
Orchids of Grace