Passionate Pink


This is an extra-large bouquet, exposing a beautiful array of white and dark pink real touch and silk roses, baby’s breath and green fern leaves. The bottom is covered in a double layer of white satin ribbon, small real touch white roses, and floral appliques. The handle is wrapped in white satin ribbon, topped with a shear ribbon trimmed in pink. This bouquet can also be used as a centerpiece. Approximate measurements: 13.5 inches in height, 11 inches wide, and the handle is 6.5 inches long.

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This is an extra-large bouquet, exposing a beautiful array of white and dark pink real touch and silk roses, baby’s breath and green fern leaves. The bottom is covered in a double layer of white satin ribbon, small real touch white roses, and floral appliques. The handle is wrapped in white satin ribbon, topped with a shear ribbon trimmed in pink. This bouquet can also be used as a centerpiece. Approximate measurements: 13.5 inches in height, 11 inches wide, and the handle is 6.5 inches long.

This is an extra-large bouquet, exposing a beautiful array of white and dark pink real touch and silk roses, baby’s breath and green fern leaves. The bottom is covered in a double layer of white satin ribbon, small real touch white roses, and floral appliques. The handle is wrapped in white satin ribbon, topped with a shear ribbon trimmed in pink. This bouquet can also be used as a centerpiece. Approximate measurements: 13.5 inches in height, 11 inches wide, and the handle is 6.5 inches long.

Queen Isabella
Queen Esther